The world’s largest panoramic image is now up for funding on Kickstarter (captured with a Nikon Z9 camera)

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The world’s largest panoramic image project is now listed for funding on Kickstarter (captured with a Nikon Z9 camera). The goal of the project is to break 1 TeraPixel:

“This project is possible thanks to the Nikon Z9 fast 20 fps and sub-pixel alignment (in post) done on a grand scale. This takes image quality to a whole new level which excites us a lot. This is very interesting because the missing pixel shift in Z9 is no loss at all. Our method works even on hand-held 800mm lens, which is impossible using pixel shift. Z9 users should be aware of this option which also applies to all other cameras.”

You can see an example of what’s coming here: The resolution of this image is 429,056 x 293,210 pixels (about 125 GigaPixels), which is about 12% of the final image.

See the full details on Kickstarter.

Other ongoing Kickstarter projects:

The post The world’s largest panoramic image is now up for funding on Kickstarter (captured with a Nikon Z9 camera) appeared first on Nikon Rumors.

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