The next batch of Nikon Z9 camera shipments in the US is expected on May 10th

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The next batch of Nikon Z9 camera shipments in the US is expected on May 10th. Please note that this is not official information and is based on feedback from retailers that could be wrong. Nikon can also delay or cancel a shipment for various reasons. Stay tuned for updates.

The current wait time for new Z9 orders is approximately 12 months.

Nikon Z9 pre-orders links:

The post The next batch of Nikon Z9 camera shipments in the US is expected on May 10th appeared first on Nikon Rumors.

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  1. Next big Nikon Z9 shipment in the US expected on March 5th
  2. The next batch of Nikon Z9 cameras is preparing to ship
  3. B&H and Amazon are now preparing to send Nikon Z9 shipments to non-NPS members

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