RED’s new CEO: “We would like to introduce RED cameras with a Z mount as one of the options in the future”

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FDTimes published their interview with the new CEO of RED Keiji Oishi and RED’s founder James Jannard – all pretty standard answer that we have already heard before. Here are a few quotes:

  • Keiji Oishi on a RED camera with Z-mount: “We would like to introduce RED cameras with a Z Mount as one of the options in the future. It will be in addition to the RF mount currently offered, but it could take a couple of years. We also will look forward to the synergies with MRMC mainly in the cinema and broadcast fields.”
  • Keiji Oishi on a new line of Nikkor cinema lenses: “In the future, we would like to take these different approaches into consideration for an additional cinema lens lineup if we have a chance.”
  • Nikon and RED manufacturing will not be combined “for now”: “We will not combine and keep it as is for now, of course. We are considering the possibility of injecting Nikon’s production technology into RED’s at some point. There is no big change so far, in terms of integration, but we will inject something new into the RED manufacturing.”.

The post RED’s new CEO: “We would like to introduce RED cameras with a Z mount as one of the options in the future” appeared first on Nikon Rumors.

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