Neu: Shotcut 24.02 Open-Source Video Editor - das Tool für Videoschnitt und Bearbeitung mit- vielen neuen Features

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Shotcut 24.02 Open-Source Video Editor released: Tool für Videoschnitt und Bearbeitung mit- vielen neuen Features

Shotcut 24.02 Open-Source Video Editor Released with many new features: dem kostenlosen Shotcut 24.02 - dem Tool für Videoschnitt und Bearbeitung. Das System unterstützt auch verschiedene Audio- und Bilddateien. Die Open-Source-Software liefert viele viele Möglichkekiten - weit üer das klassische Schneiden voń Filmen hinaus gibt es noch viele weitere Optionen und verschiedene Bearbeitungsmöglichkeiten - etwa durch vielfältige Filter und anderes Mehr.

Mehr Infos zur allerneuesten Verion - der Version 24.02.29 - now available for DOWNLOAD!

Ambisonic Audio
Ambisonic spatial (spherical) audio is often used with 360° video whether output as spherical or reframed to a rectangle. Adding support for Ambisonic facilitates 360° video workflows with Shotcut.
But also the new Ambisonic Decoder audio filter is part of an affordable, simple way to record (e.g. GoPro MAX, Zoom H3-VR) Ambisonic audio and convert it to 5.1 surround. FYI, YouTube supports 5.1 surround on most TV-oriented devices (smart TVs, streaming boxes, game consoles). And Windows has something called Sonic to listen to surround through headphones. The new filter can also be used to listen to Ambisonic through headphones (binaural), to rotate the sound when you rotate spherical video, and to pan stereo or surround audio output for reframed 360° video. For example:

Added Settings > Audio Channels > 4 (quad/Ambisonics).
Added Ambisonic Decoder audio filter that converts to binaural, stereo, quad, Ambisonic, or 5.1 surround. When Ambisonic mode is chosen, it is an Ambisonic panner.
Added Ambisonic metadata to Set Equirectangular if there is a track with 4 audio channels.
Added Copy Parameters to 360 video filters to use with Ambisonic Decoder > Paste Parameters.
Shotcut only supports first order Ambisonics at this time.

More New Stuff
Added support for AMD AV1 hardware encoder on Windows (av1_amf) and Linux (av1_vaapi).
Added automatic vertical scrolling to Timeline when moving a track.
Added changing Properties > Duration on image clips on the Timeline (behavior depends on Ripple similar to changing Properties > Speed on an audio/video clip).
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