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#1.1 Juliusruh, 35mm / #1.2 Dranske, 21mm / #1.3 Klein Zicker, 50mm
#2.1-3 Klein Zicker, 50mm
#3.1-2 Juliusruh, 35mm
#4.1-2 Juliusruh, 21mm / 35mm
#5.1-3 Nahe Kap Arkona, 35mm
#6.1-2 Wiek, 35mm
#7.1-2 Altenkirchen, 50mm / 28mm
#8.1-2 Steilufer Lietzow, 28mm
#9.1-3 Sagard, 28mm
#10.1-3 Campingplatz Drewoldke, 21mm / 21mm / 35mm
#11.1-2 Altenkirchen, 28mm
#12.1-2 Sassnitz, 35mm
#13.1-3 Campingplatz Drewoldke, 35mm
#14.1 Kap Arkona, 35mm / #14.2 Wissower Ufer, 35mm
#19.1 Nahe Kap Arkona, 35mm (Crop) / #19.2-3 Steilufer Lietzow, 50mm
#20.1-3 Sagard, 28mm
#23.1-2 Nahe Lietzow, 28mm / 50mm / #23.3. Juliusruh, 21mm
#24.1-2 Klein Zicker, 28mm
#26.1-3 Klein Zicker, 28mm
#27.1-2 Klein Zicker, 50mm / 28mm
#30.1-2 Dranske, 35mm / #23.3. Juliusruh, 21mm
#31.1-2 Breege, 35mm
#32.1-2 Wissower Ufer, 35mm / #32.3 Campingplatz Drewoldke, 21mm
#34.1 Juliusruh, 21mm / #34.2 Witt, 21mm
#35.1-3 Zirkow, 35mm
#36.1-3 Sagard, 28mm
#37.1-3 Fähre Sassnitz - Rønne, 35mm