ThumbsPlus Digicam Plug-in v1.7 is available

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klaus harms

Hi ThumbsPlus/Digital Camera Enthusiasts!

The ThumbsPlus Digicam Plug-in v1.7 is available for download and install!

ThumbsPlus v7 Digicam plug-in v1.7 is a free plug-in for ThumbsPlus v7 Pro.
With this outstanding new version of the ThumbsPlus Digicam Plug-in, we are offering a sale price for new customers. The sale is for new orders for ThumbsPlus v7 Pro only and is priced as shown below:

ThumbsPlus v7 Pro Single User cost: US $74.95

Shipped copy 74.95 + 5.00 (US shipping) = US $79.95 Electronic distribution - save and pay only = US $69.95

This upgrade supports almost every digital raw camera file in existence.
There are a few raw types for which we do not have enough information yet to support, and camera manufacturers create new ones almost weekly. So if you find a camera raw file that will not thumbnail or view, send a sample file and the details about the camera to

The file will be tested and you will receive a response within 2 business days.

Note that this plug-in is not supported on Windows 95 or NT 4.

The Digicam plug-in is written for ThumbsPlus v7 Pro only, but can be tested with the Standard Edition of ThumbsPlus as well as the 30 day trial.

To read about the new format support and features please see the release notes found here:

You can download the installer here (9.3 MB):

For Kodak DCS/DCR and Canon EOS2000 images, you will also need the Kodak libraries (11.5 MB):

You can download ThumbsPlus v7 Pro here (17.8 MB):

Have fun!

Best regards,

Cerious Software Staff
Cerious Software, Inc.