Ankündigung Solmeta GPS Empfänger N2 bald lieferbar

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Solmeta GPS Empfänger N2 bald lieferbar

Zusammen mit unserem Partner, dem PhotoProShop der Nikonians, werden wir in Kürze das Solmeta GPS Empfänger N2 System anbieten.

Momentan warten wir auf eine Teststellung, über die wir nach Erhalt im NF-F ausführlich berichten werden.

Vorab hier die wichtigsten Spezifikationen:

N2 GPS Receiver DP-GPS

DP-GPS N2 is an all-in-one, cost-effective GPS solution which is specially designed for a DSLR (Digital Single-Lens Reflex) camera. It offers accurate real time position (latitude, longitude, elevation, and heading) and the precise time (UTM time) information to your DSLR camera.

It offers an unique auto 'indoor' gps signal freezing ability electronic compass function.

DP-GPS N2 allows you to save your present location data to your digital image file instantaneously when you take a picture. Its State-Of-The-Art technology provides extremely fast TTFF (Time-To-First-Fix), unrivaled high sensitive and superior performance in virtually any outdoor environments. The DP-GPS N2 can work in a place where GPS was not possible before, in the woods, under very heavy foliage, canyons, terrain obstructions, in cities with densely populated high-rise buildings and even inside a train or a car, with no external antenna required.

Only for Nikon D3, D300, D2XS, D2X, D2HS & D200, Fujifilm S5 Pro

DP-GPS N2 - Features and Benefits:

-Auto ‘indoor’ GPS fixing ability
-Built-in PNI Electronic Compass and 2-axis system
-Self calibration button for compass
-Short initial startup time
-No Setup Required, used friendly
-Compact, lightweight and Easy to travel with
-Real time GPS information
-Built-in battery, ultra low power consumption
-Unique camera battery backup support
-Mount on flash accessory shoe or attach to camera strap

What’s Included:

1. One DP-GPS N2 receiver
2. One Protection bag
3. One AC /USB Power Adaptor with USB toN2 connector
4. One Camera strap fastener
5. One CD containing user manual and software utilities
6. One RS-N1 Remote controller
7. One calibration pen
8. One cable fastener belt

Recharge over USB

The N2 can be charged by connecting the USB to NZ connector to any universal standard USB device, such as a computer USB socket.
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