Nikon MB-N11 battery grip for Z6II and Z7II now in stock

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I believe this is the first time I see the new Nikon MB-N11 power battery pack with a vertical grip being in stock at:

As I mentioned on the blog a few days ago, the Nikon NIKKOR Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR lens is also in stock at Adorama, B&H Photo, and Amazon.

The post Nikon MB-N11 battery grip for Z6II and Z7II now in stock appeared first on Nikon Rumors.

Related posts:

  1. Nikon MB-N11 multi battery power pack with vertical grip is now in stock
  2. The new Nikon MB-N11 multi-battery power pack vertical grip: first look by Ricci
  3. The grip (or the new Nikon MB-N11 multi battery power pack with vertical grip)


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