Information Nikon D800 Behind the Scenes

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Nikon hat ein Behind the Scenes Interview zur D800 veröffentlicht. Ich vermute, es ist hier schon bekannt, konnte es aber nicht finden.

Hier einige Infos daraus. Die Quelle ist hier:


1. "So this time we've made it so you can choose separate white balance settings for live view and the final photograph. You can match white balance to the background lighting for live view and to the flash for the photograph, which should make a lot of studio photographers happy"

Ich werde das Feature lieben, auch wenn ich eher ohne LV fote.

2. "It's the same with autofocus: a high pixel count is meaningless if autofocus lacks precision. We used the improved sensor module, the same as that used by the D4, to make phase-detection AF more sensitive under low light, increasing AF precision."

Wir sprachen darüber, dass AF bei der D800 gefordert wie nie zuvor sein wird. Allerdings steht da nicht, dass die Genauigkeit auch bei gutem Licht verbessert wurde.

3. "reduced the release time lag to about 0.042 seconds"

4. "Therefore, we suggest selecting medium or small for normal use and choosing large only for, say, group portraits or very high resolution landscape shots."

Hmmmh, das wird sich wohl nur auf JPG beziehen...

5. "in movie live view we have given the user access to microphone sensitivity and headphone volume settings."

6. "Photographs shot during movie live view would, in other words, have an aspect ratio of 16:9 but use the same exposure program as normal photos. This may have complicated the control specifications, but as the person responsible I found it a very satisfactory decision in that it produced optimal results for both photographs and movies."

7. "Nevertheless, there are those who will only use the camera for landscapes or who need photographs with even higher resolution, and it was for these users that we wanted to create a model that went the extra mile in terms of resolution: the D800E"

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