Fotoequipment meines Freundes

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Bitte um Mithilfe.

In Kopenhagen on the 26th some gangsters smashed two windows of our car and stole two suitcases and everything else that was of value.
They even stole my one year old son's popup baby bed.
A cleanup company found the toddler's suitcase and his clothes surrounding it at the end of the street. Kudos for taking the effort to call the sourrounding hotels if anybody was missing it.

What's gone for good of course is among other things part of my photographic equipment.
I would really appreciate if you could keep your eyes out in Craig's List, eBay etc etc for:
Sigma 300-800mm f5.6 EX IF APO HSM (Brown Neoprene camo)
Canon MP-E 65mm 1:2.8
Canon EF180mm 1:3.5 L
Canon Speedlite 580 EX
Canon Extender EF 2x II
Canon Extender EF 1.4x
Canon TC-80N3

I can give the serial numbers in a private message if needed. It's a terrible way to end a family vacation like this and I'm trying everything I can to get things back/find the thieves. Please help me by thinking of this post when you might come across one of my things. Thanks.